
Monday, January 18, 2016

Another Reason to Love Breakfast: The Muffin McEgg

I love breakfast food.  I love eggs, especially, and I could (and often do) eat them every day of the week.  My love for eggs started my freshman year in college.  I used to schedule my classes as early in the morning as possible so I could get them over with and have all afternoon to study (or walk into town for some shopping.)  That meant I was usually able to make it to the cafeteria in time for breakfast, which always featured piles of perfectly-cooked eggs over easy.  They were so pretty and appetizing, I was never tempted by the sugary pastries.

Between eating sensible meals in the school cafeteria and walking to and from my classes, instead of gaining "the freshman 15," I actually lost a few pounds that year.  Here is a candid shot of me circa 1981, snapped by a photography student who was trying to capture, not just my image, but my phone number:

Did I give it to him?  I'll never tell.  (And stop laughing at my hairstyle.)

But anyway, that's when my love of breakfast began, and to this day I never skip it.  I also never eat anything sugary or carb-y first thing in the morning.  Usually it's just eggs over easy (still my favorite) with a slice of buttered, gluten-free toast or a veggie-stuffed omelet.  Once in a while, though, I whip up a special treat my svelte and beautiful (and breakfast-loving) daughter turned me onto:  We call it a Muffin McEgg.


Here is how I make this.  (The brands I mention are my preference, but feel free to use your own favorites.) 
  • Toast a Thomas' Original English Muffin.
  • On one side, place a Kraft Deluxe cheese single and an over medium egg.
  • On the other side, spread about a tablespoon of guacamole (I like Wholly Guacamole singles; I use about 1/3 of the 100-calorie pack) and top with a slice of tomato, salt and pepper.
This makes a sandwich for one, but personally I like to eat the two sides separately; it's just easier to stay tidy.

Now let's talk nutrition.  Prepared my way, this dish delivers merely 317 calories.  It can't be called low fat with 17 grams, but much of the fat is from healthier sources like avocado and egg.  (And if you want to cut back, I suggest trying a lower-fat cheese option.)  With 15 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber, it keeps you from getting hungry before lunch.  Optionally, you can increase the protein by adding some lean meat, like a couple of ounces of Canadian bacon, which adds under 100 calories and 4 fat grams, but more than 10 additional grams of protein.

You may be wondering what I do with the leftover 2/3 of the guacamole pack.  Simple:  I make two more of these for my husband.  He loves them as much as I do.


  1. Wow this muffin mcegg looks so good and great way to start the day!
    Thanks for sharing this at Cooking and Crafting with J & J.

  2. Haha, I love this, and I love the name! Thanks for sharing on Meetup Monday.

    1. I'm glad it tickled your fancy! I hope I see you at the party again!

  3. What time is Breakfast? This looks great. My husband spoils me with bacon, eggs, spinach and mushroom on turkish bread - yum! Thanks for sharing with us at #overthemoon and see you next week

    1. I think I just drooled a little! I'm trying it your way tomorrow...

  4. I could (and often do) eat breakfast for lunch and dinner as well. I love everything about eggs :) This recipe looks great - easy, healthy, tasty! I have to be gluten free so I'd sub in a gluten free muffin, but other than that, I can see this will be a go-to item for me.

    1. I don't HAVE to be gluten free, but I do better without the wheat. I often use the GF muffins, and it's just fine.

    2. Also, happy to meet a fellow egg worshiper. Next time I'll remember the secret handshake. ;)

  5. I love eggs too! Your Muffin eggs look perfect to me :) Thank you for sharing with us at Brag About It! Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you for letting me "Brag About It!" I love you party. See you again soon!

  6. Now that's a yummy breakfast! Thanks for the idea and thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home.


  7. Eggs are my favorite too!! And I have to say your hairstyle looks glamorous to me. Loved the little story! ;)

  8. I'm not a fan of eggs, but this looks great for someone who is!

    1. Hey, there's nothing wrong with substituting a different kind of protein for the egg, or even just leaving it off. Personally, I love eating the "veggie side" of my sandwich as much as the "protein side." Thanks for visiting!

  9. I start every day with an egg also, and almost every day with a few pieces of avocado, and swiss cheese. It's my very favorite! I love the idea of making it in to a sandwich. Thanks for sharing at Celebrate It!

    1. Swiss cheese... that sounds great. I'm a big fan of the much-maligned American cheese singles for anything that needs the cheese to be all gooey and melt-y, but Swiss would taste so good on this! Thanks for mentioning it.

  10. Such a great breakfast!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  11. I love your Breakfast Muffin! Hope you are having a great day and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

    1. Thank you for hosting. I will most certainly be back soon!

  12. Thanks for sharing this at our Cooking and Crafting with J & J party on Monday. I wanted to let you know that I featured this breakfast recipe this week. We hope to see you next Monday. Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful recipes with us. Enjoy your day and weekend.
    Julie xo

    1. Thank you so much for that! I really appreciate your support!
