
Friday, November 20, 2015

Scotch Eggs

I don't know about you, but the last thing I want to think about on the morning of a big holiday like Thanksgiving or Christmas is what I'm going to make everyone for breakfast.  In fact, when I'm elbows-deep in giblets and potato peels, I'd prefer that the rest of my household just fend for themselves.  How do they feel about that?  Excited, actually, when they find out one of their favorite treats is waiting in the fridge...

No one really knows how long Scotch eggs have been around, or if they're even Scottish.  They have been popular in the U.K. as picnic food and pub grub for centuries.  They're popular at my house, too.  And they are really easy to make.

It all starts with perfect hard-boiled eggs, cooked, cooled and peeled.  About one per person should be enough because these eggs are quite hearty and filling.

Other ingredients you'll need are:
  • a handful of good bulk sausage meat for each cooked egg
  • a few tablespoons of flour
  • a beaten egg or two
  • some breadcrumbs
Here is my mise, all en place:

First flatten your sausage into large, thin patties.  Dust a peeled, boiled egg with flour, and then wrap a patty of sausage around it.  You may need to gently stretch and shape the sausage around the egg to completely envelope it.

Once the meat is wrapped entirely around the egg, dust it with flour, dip it into the beaten egg, and roll it in the breadcrumbs.

Melt about a 1/4 cup of oil in a skillet over medium-high heat.  I recommend coconut oil because it has a high smoke point, meaning that it can be heated for a prolonged time at a high temperature without scorching or burning.

Cook the Scotch eggs in the hot oil, turning them frequently for even cooking, until the crumb coating is a deep golden brown, and the sausage is cooked through.

If you are preparing these as a make-ahead breakfast, wrap them up, and they will keep in the fridge for a couple of days.  You can later warm them up for a few minutes in the oven, but don't over do it.  They are meant to be served at room temperature or a little above.

Here's another idea:  if you are lucky enough to be invited to someone else's holiday feast, why not pack a batch of Scotch eggs in a basket with some nice scones and a jar of good jam as a hostess gift?  I don't know about you, but the last thing I want to think about on the morning after a big holiday...

For a list of all the great parties where this post has been shared, click here.


  1. These sound so delicious! I'm going to have to try them. My family loves sausage and eggs. I found this on the MomsResource FB group.

  2. Nice to have you stop by! I hope your family enjoys them.

  3. I've never tied these, they look so yummy! I know what you mean, it's a lot easier if everyone just helps themselves for breakfast when there's so much to prepare! Thanks for sharing this yummy recipe at Share it Link Party this week!

  4. These look amaaaaazing!!!! I've never tried homemade ones but now I feel it is my mission to try these- you have tempted me!!!x
    Visiting from Creative Mondays!

    1. Homemade is the only way we can get them in the U.S.A., I'm sorry to say. Luckily, they're pretty easy to make! I hope you give them a go!

  5. I've not made these in ages, the kids used to love them #CreativeMondays

    1. Kids, grownup kids, husbands... everyone at my house loves them. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Yum, I love scotch eggs, these look so good!

  7. I've never seen, heard of, or tried Scotch eggs. But, I think I love them already! Thank you for the recipe!

    1. I like the way your mind works! Thank YOU for stopping by!

  8. I love Scotch eggs, yummy your look so tasty :)

    1. Thanks! I'll bet you know a good Scotch egg when you see it.

  9. I've never made Scotch eggs, but they are intriguing. I really need to give it a go!

  10. These sound yummy! My mother used to make something similar with meatloaf, but this seems a lot better!
    Thank you for linking up to the Holidays Celebration Link Party! Your post has been pinned to the party's Pinterest board ( Feel free to link up other posts too, and stay tuned for the features on Friday!

  11. Umm, wow! These look SO amazingly good. Can't wait to give them a try! Thank you for sharing at Merry Monday!

    1. Umm, YEAH! Give them a try. Go, Amanda, go! (And thanks for visiting!)

  12. I've never had such a thing, but have always wanted to try it!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you for hosting, Jessica. I hope my recipe has made your 'to try' list!

  13. I've heard about scotch eggs, but really never knew what they were. They look delicious! Can't wait to try! Pinning to share. Thank you so much for coming over and sharing your wonderful recipe with us at Brag About It!

    1. They're probably a lot easier than you thought they'd be. I hope you give them a try!

  14. Replies
    1. I don't mind confirming: they are! Thanks for visiting!

  15. I love scotch eggs and you've made them look so easy to make! Thanks for sharing on the Lazy Gastronome's What's for Dinner linky!

    1. Thanks, Helen. I now know we have something in common! :)

  16. Good Afternoon Nan, Oooh, Scotch Eggs are a firm favourite with my husband. He was born in Newcastle, very close to the Scottish border. They are something he often had when he was a child.... and I love them also... as you say served just warm. I'm not a fan of cold Scotch Eggs, but that is just a personal preference.
    Reading all your comments, I can see you have introduced so many people to this gastronomic delight.
    Best wishes to you.

    1. I appreciate your comments especially, Daphne, because you know how a good Scotch egg should be made. They're not usual fare here in the States, so the only ones I've ever tried are the ones I've made myself! I'm glad you think I'm getting it right! Thanks so much for coming by!

  17. I have been seeing this post of your at so many parties and MAN am I glad I checked this one out, these look absolutely delicious! Pinning for sure and planning on making these over the winter - I just love hardboiled eggs!

    1. I finally got you! LOL! I'm glad you're glad. Thanks for stopping by.

  18. Love eggs! Thank you for linking it up with us at SHARE IT 38 at A new party will open tomorrow afternoon so hope you'll be back with us again soon.

  19. Wow what a great recipe. I never would have thought to add eggs and then fry them as meatballs. It looks delish!

  20. I've heard of Scotch eggs, but had no idea what they were. This sounds like a hearty holiday morning treat!

  21. WOW!! this looks so cool and yummy(I love eggs anyway :)) and not a very difficult one to try...I must try this out. Thanks for sharing. Following you now :) Have a great week ahead!

    1. I love eggs, too! I hope you have a chance to try them this way.

  22. How good is that! I have loved your input to the Blog Booster Party and I look forward to you being at the Blogger's Pit Stop rally with more of your posts next Friday.

  23. So excited to find these! Thanks for sharing!

  24. I've always wanted to try these. Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home!


    1. Cool! I'm glad I could help. Love your party, and I'll see you there again.

  25. What a great recipe and thanks so much for sharing it with us at Full Plate Thursday! Hope you had a great weekend and come back to see us real soon.
    Miz Helen

  26. These are a thing of beauty. Thanks for posting. Hello from Busy Monday.

    1. Hello back at you! They do say you eat first with your eyes. I think it's true.

  27. I've always wanted to know how to make Scotch Eggs. I think my husband will love these. I'm going to have to give them a try this year. One of my resolutions is to try out some new cooking techniques and recipes. This one is a classic! Thanks for sharing on the Sunshine Life Blog Link Up!
