
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Are You Giving Your Children Enough?

We love our children, and we give them so much.  It is only natural to want our kids to have everything they need, everything that will help them grow to be good people, and even some things simply to make them happy.  But do we really give them enough?

Now, in the so-called "season of giving," somewhere in the frenzy of shopping and decorating and gift-wrapping and list checking and parties and treats and..... ALL THAT... it might seem we give our children too much.  But there is something we may be forgetting.

Arguably the best thing I ever did as a parent was to teach my children to joyously give to others.  It started with one simple Christmas tradition:  everyone who gave my children a gift got one from them in return -- a beautiful gift that they made themselves.

Every year we chose a different handmade ornament, and the entire family got involved in planning, crafting and wrapping these creations as gifts for others.   It didn't cost a lot or take an unreasonable amount of time, and we gained so much from it ourselves.  We spent fun time together as a family.  The children learned crafting skills and gained a sense of competence and cooperation.  And people who received those gifts cherish them to this day.

My children remember very few of the Christmas presents they received when they were young, but they warmly remember the joy of giving their special gifts away.  And now they are carrying on that tradition with their own children...  I can't wait to see what they make for me this year!

Ready to try this with your family?  Here are a couple of great ways to get started:

Handmade Silvered Glass Ornaments - Christmas DIY Fun for the Whole Family

The Look of Vintage Christmas - DIY Craft Painted Ornaments


  1. It's so good that you've taught your children the joy of sharing with others, especially when they probably had more than enough. It makes them appreciate the holiday so much more. Thanks for sharing your wisdom at the Over the Moon Link Party.

    1. I'm not one for spoiling children. At least not with material possessions. Love and affection -- as much as they can stand! :)

  2. What a fun tradition! Have a great week :)

  3. We have a tradition in my home to make each other at least one gift. My kids have been very creative over the years and I have to say that our homemade gifts to each other is the highlight of our Christmas. We also make ornaments or cards to gift to others. I just love these kinds of traditions! Thanks for sharing with us at Brag About It! Wishing you and your family all the joy of the Holiday Season!

    1. I love that idea! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, and also for hosting a great party!

  4. I love this idea about the gifts and making handmade ornaments!
    Thanks for sharing this at Cooking and Crafting with J&J.

  5. This is such a great post!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!
