
Monday, June 22, 2015

Garlic Herb Vinaigrette

I don't know why I bother making homemade salad dressing.  You can easily buy bottled salad dressing at any grocery store and probably some gas stations.  Sure, it's expensive.  And yes, a lot of dressings have terrible, unhealthy ingredients, but you can figure out which ones are healthy (ish) by reading all the nutrition labels.  And so what if everybody only wants Ranch all the time -- it's not my job to expand other people's palate preferences.

And making salad dressing at home is a complicated process of dumping 4 or 5 ingredients into a bowl and blending them......

Okay, I DO know why I make my own clean and healthy salad dressing at home.  If you've never tried it, a good place to start is with a simple (but delicious!) herb vinaigrette.  It's easy.

Just take a small mixing bowl or a large Pyrex-type measuring cup and dump in:
  • 3/4 cup of olive oil  (You can use other kinds of oil, like canola or corn or whatever, BUT DON'T!)
  • 1/4 cup of any kind of vinegar you like (My favorite is homemade citrus vinegar, but you can use balsamic, red wine, apple cider, whatever floats your boat.)
  • Sprinkle in some salt and a few cracks of fresh pepper.
  • Toss in a peeled, rough-chopped clove of garlic.
  • Add a scant half teaspoon of Dijon mustard.
  • Throw in some fresh herbs** (or dried herbs if that's what you've got.  I'm not THAT hard to get along with.) 
  • Sometimes I use about a tablespoon of honey if I'm in the mood for a little sweetness.
Then take your stick blender and whir it all up for about 10 seconds, and it's done.

If you don't have a stick blender, (WHAT?  I couldn't survive without mine.  I use it Every. Single. Day!  I know I've told you all this before.) you can certainly do all these same things in a regular blender or a food processor.

** What kind of herbs should you use?  What kind you got?  Basil is great.  Mint is superb.  (No, really!)  An Italian seasoning blend is never wrong.  If your family misses their Ranch dressing, go with dill weed; that's really the flavor they're looking for.  What do YOU like?  Give it a try, and then tell me how it worked out for you. 


  1. I agree, the stick blender is DEF a must have tool for the kitchen! I'll have to try your homemade citrus vinegar and make this yummy dressing! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Delicious Dish Tuesday!

    1. I don't know what I'd do without it. Thanks for visiting, and I'll see you again, I'm sure!

  2. OH! OH! I never thought of using citrus vinegar for anything but cleaning! Awesome idea--AND the lovely flavor it would lend to salad dressing sounds so yummy. Definitely gonna try it that way sometime!

    Kristi@Stone Family Farmstead

    1. What is citrus vinegar NOT good for? Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you do give it a try!

  3. I love recipes like this where you can just throw in what you have, and I loooove making my own dressing! I make Greek and balsamic dressings following a recipe. I definitely want to try this more laid back approach! Pinning this to have as a reference next time I make some dressing. :)

  4. I love recipes like this where you can just throw in what you have, and I loooove making my own dressing! I make Greek and balsamic dressings following a recipe. I definitely want to try this more laid back approach! Pinning this to have as a reference next time I make some dressing. :)

    1. Once you start, you can never go back to the bottled stuff. Thanks, and I hope you do try it soon!

  5. I love making my own salad dressings, this sounds so fresh and delicious! Thanks for sharing at What'd You Do This Weekend? I hope you will join us again next Monday!

  6. Just wanted to let you know that this post will be featured at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home ( starting on Thursday! I hope you'll stop on by to see it and link up more posts.


    1. Thank you so much! And I will see you again this weekend.

  7. This is a great Vinaigrette recipe, we will love it. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a great day!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen

    1. Thank you for visiting. I wouldn't dream of missing Full Plate Thursday! See you again soon.

  8. I couldn't live without my stick blender either.

    Thanks so much for sharing this recipe. I'm going to try it with fresh cilantro.


    ~Heather @ My Overflowing Cup

    1. Mmmm! Cilantro would be good! I'll have to try that myself. Thanks for visiting!
