
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

One-Skillet Leftovers Breakfast

This is one of my favorite ways to use up leftovers, especially leftover sauce from making my famous Homestead Company Chicken dinner.  All that is required is one skillet and whatever scraps of stuff you have in your fridge from previous meals.

Here is what you need:

  1. Some leftover cooked potatoes, sweet potatoes or squash.  Cold restaurant french fries work amazingly well here.  About 1/2 a cup per person.
  2. Some warmed leftover gravy or sauce.  About 1/4 cup per person.
  3. two or three scrambled eggs per person.
  4. Some grated cheese.  Whatever you've got, and as much as you like.
  5. Leftover chopped ham, sausage crumbles, bacon, or even cooked chicken or ground beef.  About 1/2 cup per person.
  6. Some fresh herbs (optional).

First, using a small amount of fat (preferably melted coconut oil or ghee,) crisp up the meat crumbles and potatoes over medium heat.  Remove and set aside.

Mix the herbs into the eggs.  Reduce the heat under the skillet to medium-low, and pour in the egg mixture.  Cook until almost set, and carefully remove.  Arrange in the bottom of a wide bowl.

Spoon on half of the sauce, followed by the meat/potato mixture, the remaining sauce and a generous sprinkling of cheese.

And voila.... breakfast is served!


  1. I love leftovers! Thanks so much for sharing your awesomeness at Show Me Saturday! Please join us again this weekend!
    ~ Ashley

  2. Your One Skillet Leftovers Breakfast looks wonderful. We like to use our leftovers and lots of times put them on our meal plan. Thanks so much for sharing your awesome post with Full Plate Thursday and have a great weekend!
    Hope to see you again real soon,
    Miz Helen

  3. We do omelets here on a regular basis and we always throw in fresh basil, ham and cheese. I love your idea of sweet potatoes in it too, and can also imagine many of our 'leftovers' would be good thrown in. And now I'm hungry for an omelet. :)
    Thanks so much for sharing with us at Delicious Dish Tuesday!

  4. I love this idea! Thanks for linking up with "Try a New Recipe Tuesday." Hope you can join us again this week.

  5. Yummy. If you don't have gravy or sauce, salsa also works well!
