
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I Call Them Fruitons

As is often the case, I came up with an idea for something new by trying to do something else.  In this case, I was looking for a way to use several pounds of over-ripe bananas from my weekly CSA deliveries.  

So, off I went searching and found a yummy-sounding recipe for "Banana Bars" on Balancing Beauty & Bedlam.  

The moist, cake-y banana bars turned out to be a delicious way to use up all those mushy, brown bananas.  But the recipe made a HUGE amount. and I soon found myself looking for a way to use up several uneaten servings of banana bars!  (Granny doesn't waste anything.)   And that's when I came up with the idea for FRUITONS -- sweet croutons made specifically for fruit salad.  

First I cut the banana cake into 1/2 inch strips.  Next I cut the strips into cubes and baked them at 250 degrees Farenheit for an hour and a half until the cake cubes were toasted brown and crispy.

Add the fruit salad:  I used what I had on hand, which was strawberries, pears and kiwi.  Toss in some fruitons, and suddenly a simple fruit salad is elevated to a tasty, yet healthy dessert.  

Imagine the possibilities...  Chocolate fruitons?  Pound cake fruitons?  Spice cake fruitons?  Fruit cake fruitons?  (Okay, that last one is probably going a bit too far, but you get the idea.)

Do try this at home!


  1. What a great idea! They sound perfect for a dessert topping!

    1. Hey, I'm even thinking about trying a lower-sugar recipe, adding some fruit and nuts and calling it homemade breakfast cereal. I'll bet that would be good. Thanks for swinging by!

  2. That's a really creative idea! Never thought of doing that!!


    1. Since I know how very creative you are, that is gratifying to hear! Thanks!

  3. what a great idea...I have to join a csa now that I am making my family go organic... You are rockin and of course fabulous. Happy Saturday Sharefest

    1. Music to my ears! Thank you so much! And, yes, do find a CSA program in your area. It is fun, money-saving and healthy.

  4. Fruitons! Very creative and resourceful and I like that you didn't waste anything! :)

    1. Oh, Granny never wastes anything. I'm glad you liked the idea. Thanks!

  5. That's a great ideas to use up some sweet breads. I'll have to keep this in mind if my kids ever leave anything Like the idea of adding some crunch to a fruit salad. Visiting from May's Blog Hobnob link up.

    1. Ha! Ha! I know what you mean! I've had this idea for a while, but how often do you end up with leftover cake? Thanks for stopping by!

  6. This is a fantastic idea, and so versatile! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Delicious Dish Tuesday!
