
Friday, April 4, 2014

Happy Box Week 3

Okay if you're counting, you may be wondering why this isn't Week 5....

                   This is why ----->

Granny went on a little vacation in Honolulu and had a wonderful time.

Where are we travelling next?  Most likely it will be Disney World with all the kids and grandkids later this year, but I will post more about that as plans unfold.

Now back to real life!

Green Onions
a Grapefruit


Honestly!  I somehow managed to accumulate over 4 pounds of these babies, so to meet my goal of 100% utilization of my CSA produce, I had to cook sunchokes like it's my job!  (Okay, it actually is my job.)  

Check out my post on Sunchokes Three Ways.  They really are quite delicious.

And there are more challenges ahead:  

I have an unusually large amount of bananas that I am going to have to use.  Like right now.

The green onions are starting to accumulate, too.

Also, what do you do with a grapefruit when every member of the family despises them?  I'll tell you what you do:  you make vinegar.  Check out my post on Citrus-infused Vinegars.

Until next time my lovelies, aloha!

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